
To eradicate the use of mercury in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM), ensuring the public trust in the jewelry industry gold supply chain.
MFM fulfills its Mission by:
Educating the jewelry trade about the devastating health and environmental impacts of mercury
- Launch resource center, speaker’s program, interactive educational website
Encouraging the development and deployment of innovative and effective methods of separating gold from its associated minerals
- Establish and publicize tests and pilot mercury-free mining programs in ASGM communities co-sponsored by jewelry industry companies and related civic, trade, educational and government agencies
- Create a grant program to provide funding incentives to projects with promising new mercury free mining methods
- Coordinate dialogues to help pilot projects be sponsored by jewelry companies
- Secure funding and award challenge prizes for innovative approaches for the deployment of effective technologies
Aligning with like-minded organizations to support artisanal gold miners and their communities in mining responsibly
- Conduct network advocacy with focus on influencing governments and NGO’s
- Collaborate with leading universities with mining programs
Acting as an industry advocate, championing fact-based efforts to provide an alternative to mercury use in artisanal gold mining
- Sponsor lectures, roundtable discussions, social media programs
- Contribute to the creation of a responsible supply chain of mercury-free gold from the pilot programs as appropriate.
Providing a pathway toward responsibly sourced gold that helps protect the industry and consumer confidence
- Offer memberships, affiliations and recognition that demonstrate commitment
- Encourage companies to sponsor their own programs highlighting the role they play and the impact of their efforts
- Develop a mercury-free mine sponsorship for jewelers that can be used to create a branded gold in their company
- Provide materials and resources including inspiring success stories, curated photos, banners, financial/ecological benefit statements
Global Effects
miners must handle mercury daily in order to make a living.
of total gold supply comes from artisanal gold mining.
of all mercury pollution worldwide comes from artisanal gold mines.
people's lives depend on artisanal gold mining.
0k lbs
of mercury inadvertently released by miners each day
in gold is produced each year by artisanal gold miners.